How it All Started
I have always played video games. From the first time we had a computer, I vividly remember playing video games with my dad and brother or watching them play. It was always a fun time hanging out with them and playing games.
I shared playing video games with my kids too. They would often watch me as I played and we would commentate back and forth about what was going on. The first time we tried playing Minecraft was so great! I got the game going on my laptop but I connected it to our TV screen. WOW! It was so much fun! We were laughing and going crazy over all the little things. I had a stick and I ended up falling in to a pond. I dug in to the side of the pond and beat off the hordes (really, it was just one) zombies all that first night in the game.
I remember very early on and very quickly the kids loved to watch certain gaming channels. I watched with them because so many of them were not very family friendly. I was helping to filter out some of the language and terms being used. It was a difficult online world to navigate with youngsters in tow.
At one point one of the kids decided they really wanted to just make a channel of their own. Of course, I was not going to permit my youngsters jumping in on the internet like that. I knew we would need a plan and that I should help out with it all. I know how big and vast the internet can be. Not everyone keeps that in mind. So we started our channel together. I have since used it to teach all the kids homeschool lessons in videography, scripting, editing, marketing, social media, and so much more. They have also developed some long lasting friendships with some of those people we came in contact over the years. It’s been an amazing journey together.
Many people ask where the name of the channel came from. It actually developed years ago with my mom. We moved to a new area and she felt that the best way to get to know the area was to just go out and explore. So whenever my brother and I would ask, “are we lost?” She would answer, “No. We are just on an adventure!” And I have held to that same mindset. Everything is an adventure! Let’s go play and laugh and live and have fun on the adventures!